As the morning sky lit up, the sorcerer and Anastasia
awoke to the music of a family
of white morning doves. After a brief
breakfast they started off in search of the horse
with the rose shaped
By midday they had rode very deep into the forest, but had not seen one
The Unicorn had said that many horses dwelled in this forest......So
where were they?
They continued on even deeper into the forest where the
trees were so dense it always
appeared to be close to night. A little farther
down the path they came upon a clearing.
To Anastasia's amazement, were
hundreds of beautiful white mares frolicking about the
this large and unusual
The sorcerers journal describes this tower as being so tall that the
very top of it is near to
the heavens and as big around as the length of a
hundred men lying head to toe.
Its structure was made of neatly cut blocks of
marble. There were no windows or doors,
but at the base were strange symbols
that the sorcerer had not seen before.
Perhaps the towers mystery would be
solved once they found the special horse and turned
it into a
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